permanent sound installation
OPENLaunched by Murate Art District in collaboration with the Assessorato alla Cultura and the Assessorato alle politiche giovanili of the Comune di Firenze, the call of Voci adolescenti wants to collect – through the website and the dedicated number +39.320.2505022 – a series of audios of maximum 20 seconds sent by young people who are living the hardships and the drama of the pandemic on their own skin. The call is spread in Italian and in English and invites you to send words, sounds of the enviroment and/or emotional sounds.
The participatory art action proposed by the project Voci adolescenti | Call For QuaranTeens aims to collect the voices of teenagers from all over the world – the sounds collection will be turned into a sound installation in collaboration with Tempo reale – so that they can leave a sort of emotional mark, together in a cry crossing the limits of space, communicating through sound how they perceive themselves, how they feel,
who they are.