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  • MON: Closed
  • TUE: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • WED: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • THU: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • FRI: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • SAT: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • SUN: Closed
Closed during holidays.

Open rehearsal of the Cuban choreographic project Transferencia and sharing with the public. With Alessandra Fisher and Jiska Ristori, authors of the volume Atlante del Genere. Alla scoperta dell’euforia di genere (Clichy Editions, 2022). Thanks to the associations Ireos and Action Gay and Lesbian.

Atlante del Genere. Alla scoperta dell'euforia di genere

As professionals who deal with transgender health, we strongly feel the need to contribute to the creation of an inclusive environment that values ​​and legitimizes the uniqueness of each individual person. This also includes promoting a gender culture based on scientific grounds in order to avoid ideological exploitation. From this point of view, the Gender Atlas is proposed as a tool that supports dialogue (in this case with artistic expression) in order to counter the homo-transphobic prejudices, which still too often characterize our social and cultural fabric. .


Tranferencia is a project that proposes a dance focused on inclusiveness, addressing issues such as gender, racism, homophobia: problems that our society, while acknowledging and to some extent fighting them, is not addressing from the point of view of the legal protection of those who are victims of it. In this work, archetypes and stereotypes related to masculinity and the body understood in an anthropological sense are deconstructed.

JUNTARTE. The creative cadena que hace la escena inclusiva is a COSPE project in partnership with the Fabbrica Europa Foundation, Asociación Hermanos Saíz (AHS), Centro Oscar A. Romero (OAR), Consejo Nacional de las Artes Escénicas (CNAE), Centro Nacional de Investigación de las Artes Escénicas (CNIAE), Ministerio de Cultura (MINCULT), co-financed by the European Union. The project was created to strengthen the creative and productive abilities of cultural operators and artists operating in Cuba, with the aim of supporting a process of changing the perception of both the productive and economic value, and the social and political function of the artistic sector. within which the themes of diversity and inclusion are still little explored and under-represented.

Jiska Ristori

Jiska Ristori is a psychologist and psychotherapist, working within the Unit of Andrology, Women’s Endocrinology and Gender Incongruence of the University Hospital Careggi in Florence. In particular, her activity is focused on supporting gender affirming paths in young and adult transgender people, as well as addressing gender related issues. She is part of scientific associations such as ESSM, EPATH and WPATH. She is active in research, with several scientific publications mainly in the... field of gender identity health and she regularly partecipates in national and internaltional congresses with oral communications.

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Alessandra Daphne Fisher

Dr. Alessandra D. Fisher is a Clinical Research scientist and a Clinical Staff Physician at the Andrology, Women’s Endocrinology and Gender Incongruence Unit, Careggi University Hospital, Florence (Italy). She is leading the clinical research group on GD/GI at Florence University Hospital, within the multidisciplinary team (psychiatrists, psychologists, surgeons) involved with GD/GI. Her research activities are mostly focused on medical support of GD/ GI adults and adolescents. She is... co-founder and President (2021-2023) of the Italian Society Gender, Identity and Health (Società Italiana Genere, Identità e Salute, SIGIS). She is an elected board member of the European Association for Transgender Health (EPATH), as well as a board member of the Italian Society for Andrology and Sexual Medicine (SIAMS). She is a member of the European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM) education transgender committee, and young researcher committee of the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM). She is coordinating the Italian GnRH analogs group of the Italian Observatory of Gender Identity (Osservatorio Nazionale sull’identità di Genere, ONIG) and she is a cocoordinator of the scientific committee of GD/GI of the Italian Society of Endocrinology (Società Italiana di Endocrinologia, SIE). She won the Best of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2016 (JCEM 2016) with the manuscript “Cross-sex hormone treatment and psychobiological changes in transsexual persons: 2-yr followup data.” by Fisher AD et al. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2016;101(11):4260-4269). In 2016 she won the ESSM Research Grant the study “Neurobiological correlates of Gender Dysphoria”, of which she is the Principal Investigator. Dr A.D. Fisher has been involved in several multicentric clinical studies regarding persons with GD/GI and she has given important scientific contributions to this field (see below). She is a highly experienced clinical trial leader, having a previous experience as coordinator in different multicentric clinical studies involving multidisciplinary team, mostly having GD/GI and Sexual Medicine as topic. She is part of the Endocrinology Steering Committee within the project European Network for the Investigation of Gender Incongruence (ENIGI), composed by Ghent (PI Prof. Guy T’Sjoen), Amsterdam (PI Prof. Martin den Heijer), Oslo (PI Dr. Thomas Schreiner) and Florence (PI Dr. AD Fisher). She has been an invited speaker in several international and national congresses related to GD/GI (e.g., Endocrine Society, European Society for Sexual Medicine, European Association of Urology).

Dr. Fisher is teacher in courses and mentor or opponent to several PhD theses. Peer reviewer of numerous scientific journals. Member of several Italian and international scientific societies. She has authored or coauthored more than 80 scientific international, high impacted journals papers and book chapters mostly GD/GI (H index: 37).

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Carlos A. Beckford Alarcón


Ha frequentato la Escuela Nacional de Danza dell’Avana dal 2009 al 2012. Attualmente è a capo del Dipartimento di Danza della Scuola di Educazione Artistica Ñola Sainz. Coreografo di ALarte, Unità Artistica del Consiglio Provinciale dello Spettacolo, è direttore generale di ENSEMBLE Compañía de Danza Contemporánea.

Yoilan Magdariaga Hechavarria


Ha iniziato la sua formazione nel 2018 presso la scuola di danza professionale José Maria Heredia di Santiago de Cuba. Al termine degli studi è entrato a far parte della compagnia del Ballet Folklorico De Oriente dove danza tuttora. Attualmente studia alla Universidad de las Artes (ISA) di Santiago de Cuba e dirige il progetto Open Hands.

Sandy Benet Hernández

danzatore e insegnante

Danzatore e insegnante, ha completato gli studi post-laurea presso la Universidad de las Artes de Cuba (ISA). Dopo aver lavorato con il gruppo teatrale Mascaras de Luna, si è dedicato alla danza entrando a far parte della compagnia Danza Unidos e successivamente di NC Dance.