2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • MON: Closed
  • TUE: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • WED: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • THU: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • FRI: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • SAT: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • SUN: Closed
Closed during holidays.

Possono le piante che crescono sulle sponde dell’Arno comporre una melodia grazie al loro movimento? Kirsten Stromberg, artista statunitense che lavora a Firenze, ha dimostrato di sì grazie al suo lavoro inedito La Riva: Along the 𝄐 , una serie di partiture grafiche ispirate all’ecologia relazionale delle piante creata appositamente per RIVA 2021, palinsesto promosso dall’Associazione MUS.E e curato da Valentina Gensini che ha come spina dorsale l’Arno, pensato per stimolare riflessioni e indagini critiche intorno al fiume che attraversa Firenze e non solo. Le partiture dell’artista, esposte nelle celle di MAD, sono ottenute utilizzando le piante che crescono lungo le rive del fiume Arno a Firenze e la composizione messa su pentagramma da Kirsten Stromberg verrà eseguita in prima esecuzione assoluta al MAD – Murate Art District mercoledì 19 maggio alle ore 15.30, 17.00 e 18,30 da un gruppo di artisti e strumentisti composto da Francesco Toninelli, Renato Grieco e Francesco Pellegrino.

La Riva: Along the 𝄐 è stato prodotto durante la recente residenza di Kirsten Stromberg al MAD ed è un’installazione sinestetica di arte visiva ed una partitura, frutto di una ricerca sull’ecologia relazionale delle piante che vivono sulle rive dell’Arno. Disegnando liberamente a mano il segno che emerge dagli spazi lasciati dalle forme di plantago lanceolata, canne di palude e piante acquatiche incontrate sulle sponde del fiume presso il Terzo Giardino, Stromberg ha trasposto graficamente i vuoti ed i pieni che si creano durante la loro crescita, dal loro oscillare al vento, dalle loro interazioni. Né composizioni classiche, né improvvisazioni pure, queste partiture e la loro traduzione sonora sono un omaggio alla natura transitoria delle piante che vivono lungo il fiume e evidenziano l’interazione umano/vegetale come potenziale musicale.

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Pondweed Variations, Along the 𝄐

1. Renato Grieco, Solo for Double Bass
2. Francesco Pellegrino, Solo for Clarinet
3. Francesco Toninelli, Solo for Percussion

Ribwort Sonata, Along the 𝄐

Renato Grieco, Double Bass
Francesco Pellegrino, Clarinet
Francesco Toninelli, Percussion

Ribwort Plantain Interlude, Along the 𝄐

Renato Grieco, Double Bass
Francesco Pellegrino, Saxophone
Francesco Toninelli, Percussion

Common Reed Fugue (Movements 1-4), Along the 𝄐

Common Reed Fugue (Movements 1-4)
Kirsten Stromberg, Voice
Renato Grieco, Double Bass
Francesco Pellegrino, Saxophone
Francesco Toninelli, Percussions

Kirsten Stromberg

Cross-disciplinary artist

Kirsten Stromberg (b. San Francisco, USA, lives and works in Florence, Italy) is an interdisciplinary artist working in mixed media, painting/drawing, sound art and experimental music. Areas of research include: art education and aesthetic engagement for individual and social transformation, pain and recovery in the world body, feminist inquiry and contemporary art. She received her BA from Dartmouth College where she was a Senior Fellow in electro-acoustic music and studio art. In 2005 she... completed her MFA in Arts and Consciousness Studies at JFKU. She has studied for over 20 years with the artists Rose Shakinovsky and Claire Gavronsky attending numerous workshops and residencies with them in both Italy and South Africa. Kirsten’s work has been shown/performed in both solo and group exhibitions internationally including: Le Murate PAC and Fabbrica Europa in Florence; L.A.C.E and Huntington Beach Center for The Arts in the Los Angeles area; The SF Arts Commission, 21 Grand and Works/San Jose’; in the San Francisco Bay Area; as well as exhibitions and projects in New York, London, Copenhagen, and Berlin.

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Francesco Pellegrino

musician and visual artist

Francesco Pellegrino is a multimedia artist and musician; his works include electroacoustic music, performances and installations. As a musician he performs in electroacoustic concerts for various instruments (including sax, trumpet, clarinet and various objects) and live electronics; he plays in the electroacoustic trio3D3, with Maurizio Montini and Andrea Venturoli. As an artist he creates installations with a strong sound component, immersive environments, invitations to contemplation. His... installations have been exhibited in Florence, Livorno, Stockholm, Mexico City, Chongquing and others.

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Francesco Toninelli


Francesco Toninelli is a Florentine musician living in Copenhagen, where he studied at the Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium following his training as a classical percussionist. He is currently involved in the creation of instrumental compositions, musique concrète and radio pieces, with particular interest in themes such as semiotics and the sign use of sound, the history of culture, the use of obsolete media, synthesis. He collaborates with musicians of various backgrounds including Michal Biel,... Gianluca Elia, Renato Grieco, Hein Westgaard, Irene Bianco and is the founder of the contemporary music quartet Ensemble Ektós. He has performed both as an artist and as an interpreter in Italy, Denmark, Slovenia, Poland; recently released work on Howard Records and Falt.

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Renato Grieco

composer and musician

Renato Grieco is a composer and musician active in the field of musique concrète and radio-art. Since 2013 he has performed in Italy, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Russia, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Slovenia, Turkey, Malta, Greece both with his solo project (under the pseudonym kNN) and in numerous collaborations as a performer, interpreter or playwright of sound for dance. He is co- curator of the La Digestion festival – rarely heard music. Some of his most significant... collaborations include names such as MP Hopkins, Valerio Tricoli, Evan Parker, Xavier Charles, Ingar Zach, Elio Martusciello, Tom White, ensemble Dissonanzen. He has released records for Pseudomagica, Canti Magnetici, Glistening Examples, Regional Bears, Chocolate Monk, Dinzu Artifact, Falt, Granny, Toxo, Mikroton.

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