See opening hours
  • MON: Closed
  • TUE: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • WED: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • THU: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • FRI: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • SAT: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • SUN: Closed
Closed during holidays.

Giovedì 2 novembre

ore 17:30

Presentazione mostra e incontro con l’artista


In vista della chiusura della mostra Drawing everyday. Diario visivo di Stefano Chiassai l’artista presenta il progetto e incontra i visitatori.

La mostra, realizzata con la collaborazione di ADI Toscana e curata da Valentina Gensini, espone  le opere di Stefano Chiassai. Partendo dalla parola come elemento grafico queste mettono in scena geometrie, pattern, figure e parole. Le sale Laura Orvieto e Ketty La Rocca di MAD e il Semiottagono del Complesso delle Murate aprono le porte ad una selezione di disegni inediti realizzati dall’artista tra il 2022 e il 2023, accompagnati da alcuni arazzi inediti.


Ingresso libero.


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Stefano Chiassai

Stefano Chiassai graduated from the Istituto Statale d’Arte in Florence. In 1980, he created his brand “STEFANO CHIASSAI”, and a few years later, in 1985, he founded “SCS Studio Chiassai”. In 1987, his idea of fashion represented Italian style at the Barcelona Youth Biennial. From 1988 to 2000, he took on the role of lecturer at Polimoda in Florence, where he taught “Menswear Fashion Design”. Since 1994, following the closure of his own brand, the... Studio has focused on providing stylistic and trend consultancy services for numerous brands.
Chiassai’s work is rooted in the luxury sector with projects characterized by a strong urban influence. From the early 2000s, he has designed various menswear lines on an international level. His approach is based on an aesthetic that seeks to reconcile traditional craftsmanship with new technologies. Since 2009, with the support of his team, he has been the designer for the men’s clothing lines at “Fendi Uomo”.
Fashion research has always been central to his modus operandi. Over time, he has collected 20.000 vintage garments and accessories, which are now kept at “TheCube Archive”, an exclusive fashion archive. Publications: Caosordinato, Nuova Libra (2016); Ritmoemotivo, Nuova Libra (2018); BlueTailoring, Silvana Editoriale (2020); Diario di un lockdown: 8 marzo 2020-31 agosto 2021, Silvana Editoriale (2021).

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