2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • MON: Closed
  • TUE: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • WED: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • THU: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • FRI: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • SAT: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • SUN: Closed
Closed during holidays.

Alexis Peskine | 6a edizione del Black History Month Florence, BHMF

A cura di BHMF in collaborazione con BHMBo, MAD, Numeroventi, Villa Romana e October Gallery

Residenza Alexis Peskine

In preparazione alla 6a edizione del Black History Month Florence, la residenza e la mostra di Alexis Peskine sono organizzate da BHMF in collaborazione con Murate Art District, Numeroventi, Villa Romana, October Gallery e Black History Month Bologna.

Il progetto supporta l’artista nello sviluppo di una nuova serie di opere in dialogo con la storia afroitaliana. Peskine utilizzerà uno studio presso Murate Art District dal 4 gennaio al 4 febbraio 2020. Le opere risultanti saranno esposte in una mostra a Villa Romana nell’ambito della 6a edizione del Black History Month Florence.

Le opere più emblematiche di Alexis Peskine sono ritratti monumentali a tecnica mista, della diaspora africana, resi attraverso il martellamento di chiodi di diversa misura, con precisione millimetrica, su legno macchiato di caffè e fango. Applicando la foglia d’oro ai chiodi, l’artista crea immagini composite. Ritrae figure di forza e perseveranza, la cui energia ricorda le “figure di potere” di Minkisi del bacino del Congo, con la loro carica spirituale.
Anche le sue opere video e fotografiche sono sorprendenti.

Alexis Peskine


Alexis Peskine’s signature works are large-scale mixed media ‘portraits’ of the African diaspora, which are rendered by hammering nails of different gauge, with pin-point accuracy, into wood stained with coffee and mud. By applying gold leaf to the nails he creates breathtaking composite images. He depicts figures that portray strength and perseverance, with energy reminiscent of the spiritually charged Minkisi ‘power figures’ of the Congo Basin. He also produces... striking photography and video works.

After a 2016 showing at 1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair, London, Peskine had his first solo exhibition at October Gallery in 2017, with major exposure at international art fairs with the Gallery in the following years. Alongside this in 2016, Institut Francais, Dakar, Senegal held Raft of Medusa: Le retour de la vague, a solo exhibition of Peskine’s works. In 2018, his works were featured in the exhibition In Their Own Form at the Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago and Africa House’s Second Generation exhibition in New York. He has been the recipient of many prestigious prizes including a Fulbright scholarship and Hennessy Black Masters Art Competition award. In the past decade, Peskine has worked with inner-city youth in France, Senegal and Brazil to create a number of monumental pieces, the largest of which was produced in France in 2012. Major museums and collectors including Peggy Cooper Cafritz; Laurence Graff OBE; the New Britain Museum of American Art, New Britain, USA; The Harvard Art Fogg Museum, Cambridge, USA; Pizzuti Collection of the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, USA; and Museum of Contemporary Photography (MoCP), Chicago, USA, have collected Peskine’s works.

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