See opening hours
  • MON: Closed
  • TUE: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • WED: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • THU: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • FRI: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • SAT: 2:30 - 7:30 p.m.
  • SUN: Closed
Closed during holidays.
Courtesy Benedetta Manfriani, Into the wild

Voci adolescenti | Call For QuaranTeens

Launched by Murate Art District in collaboration with the Assessorato alla Cultura and the Assessorato alle politiche giovanili of the Comune di Firenze, the call of Voci adolescenti wants to collect – through the website and the dedicated number +39.320.2505022 – a series of audios of maximum 20 seconds sent by young people who are living the hardships and the drama of the pandemic on their own skin. The call is spread in Italian and in English and invites you to send words, sounds of the enviroment and/or emotional sounds.

The participatory art action proposed by the project Voci adolescenti | Call For QuaranTeens  aims to collect the voices of teenagers from all over the world – the sounds collection will be turned into a sound installation in collaboration with Tempo reale –  so that they can leave a sort of emotional mark, together in a cry crossing the limits of space, communicating through sound how they perceive themselves, how they feel,
who they are.

“The project was born with the experience of my teenage daughter struggling with distance learning since last March. My daughter, as all students like her, spend all her day in front of a monitor to attend classes and to do her homework, she talks to her friends on chat or on an online platform, and if she has spare time, watches TV series. During the first lockdown the effort has been great, but there was hope that everything would be quickly resolved. Now, a little less than a year later teenagers start to show significant signs of discomfort. This impression of distress was confirmed when we met some middle school students who said they were anxious about their parents’ and grandparents’ health, concerned about the economic situation of their family, scared for the future. For the first time in history what our children are experiencing affects millions of children. In the world there are 1.2 billion teenagers, about 18% of the world population. They are our future, those in charge of planning and making a change for the survival of our planet. Solitude, isolation, lack of physical contact are a great deprivation for every human being, but are particularly hard for young people. Peer interaction has enormous importance in the formation of personality and learning. The feeling of distrust toward the future, the fear of the next catastrophe, the sense of powerlessness and guilt are likely to have disastrous consequences on an entire generation. Kids need to be heard.”

“I’m writing to you about a new art project of mine in association with MAD Murate Art District. It’s a sound installation, composed by voices of teenagers like you from all around the world. You are experiencing a difficult time, both as an individual and as a dweller of this planet. But for the first time in history, what you are experiencing (isolation, worries about adults’ health, your family’s economic situation, the impossibility of physically going to school) concerns millions of kids all around the world. Did you know that teenagers are about 1.2 billions, 18% of the world population?”

Benedetta Manfriani

Voci adolescenti | Call for QuaranTeens

Voci adolescenti | Call for QuaranTeens
deadline 30.03.2021

If you want to join the project, you just have to send me a max 20s audio in which you can record sounds that express who you are at this moment.

You can take inspiration from one or both the suggestions below:
1) one or more sounds from where you live;
2) your voice, with words or sounds.

  • A piece of a song that inspired you in these months;
  •  A sound which impressed you or upset you (an ambulance passing by, your fingers tapping on your PC board, the silence or white noise of deserted cities, radio and TG news about the pandemic, the sound of birds again audible due to traffic gridlock, etc.);
  • A shout because you’ve had enough;
  •  You can also say some word about how you feel right now or what you desire at this very moment.

The sounds collected in Italy and in many other countries in the world are going to become a sound installation that will be exposed in Florence and put on-line.

Deadline the 30th of March

Send your audio to the dedicate number +39.320.2505022 or via email to with the subject Voci adolescenti

The registration you send will remain anonymous.
We ask you to add to the message a simple reference of origin (Region, State, etc..) and age:
e. g. Tuscany, Italy, 15 years old or England, UK, 16 years old

Do you want to make your voice heard?