Installazione sonora permanente
Docente Kunstakademie di Mediated reality and performance, filmmaker, media e performance artist
Nel 2019 guest professor all’ Institut fuer Angewandte Theaterwissenschaften of the Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen;
2012-2013 docente di Media Arts all’ Institut fuer Angewandte Theaterwissenschaften of the Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen; dal 2004 al 2011 assistant professor, Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM) DOVE è responsabile per l’ atelier multimedia & performance.
Ha tenuto lezioni e workshops: Migrating Art Academies, Chinese Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, China Academy of Art HangZhou, European School of Visual Arts Poitiers, Digital Art Centre Taipei, National Taipei University of the Arts, HFBK Hamburg, University of Hull, Paco das Artes, Sao Paulo.
Docente Kunstakademie di Mediated reality and performance, filmmaker, media e performance artist
Nel 2019 guest professor all’ Institut fuer Angewandte Theaterwissenschaften of the Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen;
2012-2013 docente di Media Arts all’ Institut fuer Angewandte Theaterwissenschaften of the Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen; dal 2004 al 2011 assistant professor, Academy of Media Arts Cologne (KHM) DOVE è responsabile per l’ atelier multimedia & performance.
Ha tenuto lezioni e workshops: Migrating Art Academies, Chinese Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, China Academy of Art HangZhou, European School of Visual Arts Poitiers, Digital Art Centre Taipei, National Taipei University of the Arts, HFBK Hamburg, University of Hull, Paco das Artes, Sao Paulo.